A Tribute Page To Bill Borg
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Photo of Billy Borg.
Photo of Bill Borg.
Photo of Billy Borg.
The photos above are of the late Billy Borg, courtesy of Doug Till

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WH(Bill) Borg.
Sadly, Bill Borg the Crew Manager for Chandris Lines in the late 60's to the mid 70's has died. He will be unknown to many who joined the Chandris ships in the late 70's when Dicastopoulis was in charge, but to older crew members like myself, he was the one that made the Chandris years of my life possible. Thanks to Bill, I had 13 years of seeing the world and meeting people, some who, even after 30 years are still friends. I think it would be fair to say that without Bill's support, few of us would have made it as far as Las Palmas on our first trip. Now Bill has gone as have all the ships he sent us on, but like those ships, he will be remembered as part of a great period of our lives.



Master at arms/Inventory Officer.

Many thanks to the late Jim Galloway for his great tribute.

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Welcome all visitors to the S.S. Australis Website, which has now been online since 1998!

I will continue to update the site if I receive a new story, or if you have interesting photos taken on the ship during your voyage on either the southbound, northbound, or on one of the South Pacific cruises. We used to do those trips several times a year from Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland (New Zealand).

I am deeply moved by the interest and wonderful contributions from the numerous passengers and crew over many years.

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You can send an e-mail to me on the link below:

Please feel free to e-mail me on this link

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Warm Regards


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Mr. Kaparis. | Bill Miller. | The Picture Gallery. | Alferdoss. | Where are they now.